This is the first build I did.

I saw this beat up Peugeot bike hanging in the coop I volunteer at. I asked about it and they told me I could get it for free.

I was in a pretty bad shape

Lot of rust on the chromed fork, paint in a bad condition too. I decided to repaint it because it was too much damaged. And because I did not like the grey this much.

I knew I wanted to do a proper restoration so I needed to find a color that was an existing (or close) one in the 70s. I chose orange, as it’s not a very common color for bikes and I liked the contrast it gives with silver and black.

There still was a problem : the fork blades. The chrome on those was dead beyond repair.

In this case there is three solutions :

  • Re-Chrome it, very expensive and hard to find a shop to do it
  • Paint the whole thing like the bike, cheap but loss of the PR10 specific paint/chromed fork
  • Paint the chrome part another color, a little bit more expensive than plain paint, but we keep the spirit of the bike

I chose the last solution, with a white paint, contrast nicely with the orange. And because price was the same, I decided to do the back too (just like the PY10 and PX10!).

Next step was to find decals to replace the old ones. There is plenty of websites proposing it online. Original orange PR10 in the 70s used the black lettering for “PEUGEOT” but the white one is clearly better visually (don’t know what they were thinking).